

词汇 length
1. C,U 长,长度
The table is two metres in length. 桌子长两米。
skirts of different lengths 不同长度的裙子
2. C,U 时间的长短
Our average length of work is about 12 hours. 我们的平均工作时间是12小时。
I didn't want to stay for any length of time. 我没想呆很长时间。
3. C 单位长度
The black horse won the race by two lengths. 黑马以两马之身差赢得比赛。
4. C,U (某种规格的)长度
a movie the length of “Gone with the Wind” 同电影《飘》一样长的电影
a pair of low leg length trousers 齐小腿长的裤子;七分裤
词组at arm's length
1. 伸手可及处
The dictionary is at arm's length. 那本字典伸手就能够到。
2. 疏远,保持距离
Why do you alway keep others at arm's length? They are in fact very nice people. 你为什么总是拒人于千里之外呢?他们实际上都是很好的人。
at full length
1. 全身伸展
He lay at full length in bed. 他四仰八叉地躺在床上。
2. 详尽地
He explained his plan at full length. 他详细地解释了他的计划。
at length
1. 最后,终于
At length he came, two hours late. 他终于来了,晚了两小时。
2. 详尽地
He told us about his journey at lengths. 他详细地给我们讲述了他的旅行。
3. 长时间地
He gave the speech at length. 他演讲起来没完没了。
go to any lengths 竭力,尽力
He went to extraordinary lengths to make money. 他不择手段地拼命赚钱。
the length and breadth of 到处
The explorer went the length and breadth of the primeval forest. 探险家走遍了那片原始森林。




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