

词汇 carry
carrycar•ry / 'kærɪ/ (carried, carried; carrying)
1. 搬运;运载
a train carrying commuters to and from work 运送通勤者上下班的火车
2. (用手、肩等)提,抱,背,扛
carry a suitcase 提着手提箱
He carried his child on his back. 他把孩子背在身上。
3. 怀胎
She was carrying twins. 她当时怀着双胞胎。
4. 持有,带有;携带
Police in many countries carry guns. 许多国家的警察都带枪。
an article that carries convinction 一篇具有说服力的文章
5. 支撑;承载
The road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic. 高架桥要承载很多车辆。
6. 传递
carry tales about sb. 到处讲某人的坏话
7. 输送;传导;传布
The pipe carries water. 那管子是送水用的。
Air carries sound. 空气传播声音。
8. 刊登;广播
The newspaper carried full reports of the President's visit. 报纸上登载了总统访问的详细报道。
9. 包含…结果
Power carries responsibility. 有权力就要承担责任。
10. 使延伸;使扩大
carry the fence to the road 将篱笆一直延伸到公路边
carry the matter further 把事情闹大
11. 使(选举等)获胜;使(提议等)通过
She carried her plan. 她的计划得到了赞同。
12. 使受感动
The speaker carried the audience with him. 演讲人使听众深受感动。
13. 有(商品)出售
The shop doesn't carry beer. 商店不出售啤酒。
14. 【体】 运球
1. 被携带;被搬运
The boxes carry easily. 这些盒子容易搬运。
2. 怀胎
She was carrying. 她当时正怀着身孕。
3. 能达到的(距离)
How far does the gun carry? 这枪能射多远?
Her voice carries very well. 她的声音传得很远。
4. 获得通过
The resolution carried by a vote of 60-20. 这项决议以60票对20票获得通过。
5. 【体】 持球行走
词组carry about 随身携带
Be sure to carry your passport about with you whenever you leave your hotel. 离开旅馆时,一定要随时带上你的护照。
carry along
1. 随身携带
He carried a big parcel along him. 他随身带了一个大包裹。
2. 使感动;说服
They were all carried along by his speech. 他们都被他的话感动了。
3. 鼓励;支持
Her conviction carried her along in her research. 她的信心支持着她把研究工作坚持下去。
carry away
1. 拿走,搬走
carry the table away 把桌子搬走
2. 抢走;冲走
Many houses were carried away by the flood. 许多房屋均被洪水冲走了。
3. 使激动;吸引住
She let her anger carry her away. 她怒不可遏。
We were completely carried away by her beauty. 我们完全被她的美貌迷住了。
4. 致死
He was carried away by the cancer. 他被癌症夺去了生命。
carry back
1. 使回想起;使回忆起
The old songs carried her back to her childhood. 这些老歌使她陷入了对童年的回忆之中。
2. 拿回;归还
Please carry the chairs back. 请把椅子还回来。
carry down
1. 拿下;搬下
Will you carry my luggage down for me? 请帮我把行李搬下来好吗?
2. 传给后代
That custom has been carried down from the 15th century. 那个习俗是从15 世纪流传下来的。
carry forward
1. 推进
His successful speech carried him forward. 他成功的演说使他的地位得到了提高。
2. 将(账目)转入次栏(次页、下周、下年);结转
carry off
1. 拿走,搬走;抓走
Please carry the empty bottles off. 请把空瓶子拿走。
The thief was carried off by the police. 那个小偷被警察抓走了。
2. 造成…死亡
An attack of fever carried her off. 突然发作的一场热病夺去了她的生命。
3. 赢得,获得
carry off the medals 赢得奖牌
4. 成功地应付
It was a daring attempt but she carried it off. 这是一个大胆的尝试,但是她成功地完成了。
carry on 继续下去;经营
carry on the discussion late into the night 一直讨论到深夜
carry on the business of a bookseller 经营一家书店
2. 发怒;悲伤
The people who live downstairs were carrying on again yesterday. 昨天住在楼下的人们又发起火来了。
3. 与…有暧昧关系
The manager and his secretary had been carrying on for years, but his wife never knew. 经理和他的女秘书有暧昧关系已好几年了,但他的妻子始终不知道。
carry out
1. 执行;实行
carry out a plan 实行一项计划
2. 完成;实现
carry out one's promise 履行诺言
carry over
1. (使)继续下去
The habit carries over from his childhood. 这个习惯他从小保持至今。
2. 留到以后处理;推迟
The concert was carried over until next week. 音乐会被推迟到下星期举行。
carry through
1. 实现 ;完成
He carried through the work in a week. 他在一星期内完成了工作。
2. 使渡过难关
His courage carried him through. 他的勇气使他渡过了难关。
3. 继续
carry through with a project 继续一个项目
carry with one 记住,想起
I shall always carry with me forever the memory of the child's lovely face. 我将永远记住这小孩那张可爱的脸。




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