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词汇 find
find/faɪnd/ (found, found)
1. 找到;寻得
find a cure for cancer 找到治疗癌症的方法
find the answer to a question 找出一个问题的答案
2. 偶然发现,碰上
find a wallet in the street 在街上捡到一个钱包
I was disappointed to find you out when I called. 我给你打电话时知道你不在,十分失望。
3. (通过努力)发现;发现…处于某种状态
Newton found the law of universal gravitation. 牛顿发现了万有引力定律。
4. 感受到,发觉
find sb.(to be)an irrational person 发觉某人不明事理
We found it difficult to understand him. 我们觉得了解他很困难。
5. 设法获得(或拥有)
find the time to study 挤时间学习
6. (自然地)形成;达到
Water finds its level. 水往低处流。
7. 供给,供应
find room and board for sb. 供给某人食宿
8. 判定,判决
find him guilty 判他有罪
词组find against [无被动态] 【律】 作出不利于…的判决
The jury found against the plaintiff. 陪审团作出不利于原告的判决。
find for [无被动态] 【律】 作出有利于…的判决
When the case was retried,the judge found for the defendant. 当这件案子复审时,法官作出了有利于被告的判决。
find oneself 发掘出自己的能力,愿望和性格
He tried several lines of work,but at last found himself as a salesman. 他试着做了几种工作,最后发现自己还是适合于做推销员。
find out
1. 发现,查明
I've been trying to find out her address. 我一直在查寻她的地址。
2. 发现(坏人、坏事等)
After years of defrauding the company,she was finally found out. 她多年来一直在诈骗公司的财产,最后终于被揭发出来。

find, find out, discover, look for

这些词都表示“发现”或“寻找”。 其区别在于:

find意思为找寻并找到,强调寻找的结果。指偶然地经过搜寻和研究后发现或找到,只表示一时的动作,故不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用;find out则含有“穷追到底”之义。试比较:

Look! I have found my lost brooch.瞧,我找到了丢失的胸针。不能说:

*I have found my lost brooch for two weeks.

You should find out the answer for yourself.你应该自己去找答案。


Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.亚历山大・弗莱明首先发现了盘尼西林。

look for意为“在寻找”,强调寻找的过程,可用于进行时态。例如:

He is looking for a job.他正在找工作。





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