- ♦ 以~胜多 defeat the many with the few
- ♦ ~花钱, 多办事。 Get more done on less money.
- ♦ ~走弯路 avoid detours
- ♦ ~吃多餐 have many meals but little food at each
- 1. be short; lack
- ♦ 我们还~两把椅子。 We're still two chairs short.
- ♦ 缺医~药 be short of doctors and medicine
- 2. lose; be missing
- ♦ 看看~不~人。 See if anyone is missing.
- ♦ 这里肯定~了一个字。 Surely, there's a word missing here.
- ♦ 羊群里~了几只羊。 A few sheep have been lost from the flock.
- 3. stop; quit
- ♦ ~废话!Stop talking rubbish!
- ♦ ~来这一套。 Cut it out. or Quit that!
- ♦ ~给我装蒜!Stop pretending!
- ♦ 请~候。 Wait a moment, please. 另见 shào
- ♦ 男女老少
- ♦ 阔少 另见 shǎo