

词汇 chip
n C
1. 碎片;碎屑
a chip of wood 木屑
2. 缺口,瑕疵
There is a chip in this glass. 这个玻璃杯上有一个瑕疵。
3. [常作~s] 炸马铃薯条
Would you like a plate of fish and chips 您想要一盘炸鱼加炸薯条吗?
4. (用于赌钱的)筹码
5. 【电子】 集成电路片,集成块;微(型)电路
6. 【足】 撮球
词组a chip off the old block 酷似父亲(或母亲)的人 have a chip on one's shoulder 因受过不公平待遇而易发怒;恶劣的情绪
She has a chip on her shoulder about not having gone to university. 她因没能上大学而心怀愤懑。
when the chips are down 在关键时刻
When the chips are down,they will go to any length to save their own necks. 到关键时刻,为了保全自己,他们什么都干得出来。




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