- 1. expose to smoke or fumes; fumigate
- ♦ 烟把厨房的墙壁~黑了。 The kitchen walls were blackened by cooking fumes.
- ♦ ~蚊子 smoke out mosquitoes
- ♦ 臭气~天 stink to heaven
- 2. treat (meat, fish, etc.) with smoke; smoke
- ♦ 熏鱼
- 3. make fragrant with incense, etc.
- ♦ 用茉莉花~茶叶 scent tea with jasmine 另见 xùn
- ♦ 他被煤气~死了。 He died from suffocation by coal gas.
- ♦ 小心别让煤气~着。 Guard against coal gas poisoning. 另见 xūn