- 1. drive sb. to his death; kill
- ♦ 这样短的期限, 要了我的命, 也完成不了定额。 I cannot fulfil the quota in such a short time even if I kill myself.
- 2. confoundedly; extremely; awfully; terribly
- ♦ 热得~ awfully hot
- ♦ 渴得~ terribly thirsty
- 3. a nuisance
- ♦ 真~, 车胎又没气了。 What an awful nuisance. The tyre's flat again.
- ♦ 这姑娘可真~, 火车都快开了, 她还没影儿呢。 That girl is quite impossible. The train starts in a minute and there's still no sign of her.