- 1. tail
- ♦ 夹起~逃跑 run away with one's tail between one's legs
- ♦ 夹着~做人 tuck one's tail between one's legs; pull (or draw) one's horns in
- 2. tail-like part
- ♦ 彗星~ the tail of a comet
- 3. servile adherent; appendage
- ♦ 你为什么老做别人的~, 难道自己一点主见也没有? Why are you always tailing behind others? Don't you have any ideas of your own?
- 4. remaining part
- 5. a person shadowing sb.
- ♦ 甩掉~ throw off one's tail 另见 〖拖尾巴〗