- 1. foetus; embryo
- ♦ ~形 the form of the foetus
- ♦ 有了~了 become (or be) pregnant
- ♦ ~掉了 have a miscarriage
- 2. padding; stuffing; wadding
- ♦ 棉花胎
- 3. roughcast (in the making of china, cloisonné, etc.)
- ♦ 泥胎儿
- 4. tyre
- ♦ 内胎
- ♦ 外胎
- 5. birth
- ♦ 头~ first baby; firstborn
- ♦ 一~十五只小猪 fifteen piglets at a litter (or at one farrow)
movement of the foetus which can be felt by the mother