

词汇 领导
1. lead; exercise leadership
担任~工作 shoulder the responsibility of leadership; hold a leading position
2. leadership; leader
这个错误由我们~上负责。 We of the leadership must accept responsibility for this mistake.
~班子 leading group~潮流 lead the trend (tendency)~地位 a position of leadership; status as a leader~方法 method of leadership~干部 leading cadre~骨干 the backbone (or mainstay, key members) of the leadership~核心 eading nucleus (or core)~机关 leading body~权 leadership; authority; overall control~人 leader~水平 the level of leadership~小组 leading group~艺术 the art of leadership~者 leader~作风 the work style of the leadership; leadership style~作用 leading role




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