- ♦ 游说 另见 shuō
- 1. speak; talk; say
- ♦ 他会~法语。 He speaks French.
- ♦ 请~慢一点儿。 Please speak more slowly.
- ♦ ~得多做得少 talk much but do little
- ♦ 你~得很对。 What you say is quite true.
- ♦ 那未免~得太轻了。 That's putting it too mildly.
- 2. explain
- ♦ 他~了又~, 我还是不懂。 He explained and explained, but I still couldn't understand.
- ♦ 我一~他就明白了。 I told him how and he caught on at once.
- 3. scold
- ♦ 他父亲~了他一顿。 His father gave him a scolding (or talking-to).
- 4. act as matchmaker
- ♦ 给他~个媳妇儿 find a wife for him
- 5. refer to; indicate
- ♦ 你的话是~谁呢? Who did your remarks refer to?
- ♦ 著书立说 另见 shuì