- 1. (of liquid) flow
- ♦ 水~得很快。 The water is flowing very fast.
- ♦ 伤口~脓。 The wound is festering.
- ♦ ~汗 perspire; sweat
- ♦ ~鼻涕 have a runny nose
- ♦ ~泪 shed tears
- 2. moving from place to place; drifting; wandering
- ♦ 流通
- 3. spread; circulate
- ♦ 流传
- 4. change for the worse; degenerate
- 5. banish; send into exile
- ♦ 流放
- 1. stream of water
- ♦ 河流
- 2. sth. resembling a stream of water; current
- ♦ 电流
- 3. class; rate; grade
- ♦ 一~作家 a first-class writer
- ♦ 一~作品 a first-rate (literary) work