- 1. very happy; delighted; joyful
- ♦ 感到从来没有过的~ be filled with joy as never before
- ♦ 图一时的~ seek momentary gratification
- 2. to one's heart's content; to one's great satisfaction
- ♦ 喝个~ drink one's fill
- ♦ 玩个~ have a wonderful time
- ♦ 这个澡洗得真~。 I had a very refreshing bath.
- 3. simple and direct; forthright; straightforward
- ♦ 说话很~ speak simply and directly; not mince matters
- ♦ 她这人~, 心里有什么就说什么。 She is frank and says what's on her mind.
- ♦ 他~地答应了。 He readily agreed.