- 1. fresh
- ♦ ~奶 fresh milk
- ♦ ~蘑 fresh mushrooms
- ♦ ~鱼 fresh fish
- 2. bright-coloured; bright
- ♦ 这块布颜色太~。 The colour of this cloth is too bright.
- 3. (of salty dishes or soup) delicious; tasty
- ♦ 这汤味道很~。 The soup tastes delicious.
- 1. delicacy
- ♦ 尝尝~ have a taste of a delicacy of the season
- 2. seafood; aquatic foods
- ♦ 海鲜 另见 xiǎn
- ♦ ~见 rarely seen; seldom met with 另见 xiān