

词汇 好看
1. good-looking; nice
这花布做裙子一定很~。 This piece of cotton print would surely make a very beautiful skirt.
你戴那顶帽子很~。 That hat looks nice on you.
2. interesting
这本小说很~。 This novel is very interesting.
3. honoured; proud
儿子立了功, 我这做娘的脸上也~。 My son has won distinction; as his mother, I share the honour.
4. in an embarrassing situation; on the spot
等着吧, 有他的~。 You can be sure he'll soon find himself on the spot.
让我上台表演, 这不是要我的~吗? Me, on the stage? Do you want me to make a fool of myself?




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