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词汇 turn
1. C 转向;转弯;折回
make a turn to the left 向左转
The road took a sharp turn to the right. 那条马路向右急转弯。
2. C 旋转;转动;扭转
give the knob a turn 将把手转一下
The skater made perfect turns. 那位溜冰的人旋转得美极了。
3. C 转弯处;折返点;弯曲部分
at a turn in the river 在河流转弯处
They came to the turn in the race. 他们来到了赛跑的折返点。
4. 用作单 (情势等的)转变;转机
take a turn for the better 好转
The trade took a new turn. 生意有了新的转机。
5. C 气质;素质;才能
She is of a cheerful turn of mind. 她性情开朗。
His son has a turn for music. 他儿子有音乐天才。
6. 用作单 非正式 震惊;吃惊
The news gave me quite a turn. 那消息使我十分震惊。
7. C 非正式 (疾病等的)发作
He's had one of his funny turns again. 他那古怪的病又发作了一次。
词组a turn of phrase 措辞
Kate has a witty turn of phrase. 凯特说话很机智。
at every turn 每次;事事;处处
We were frustrated at every turn in our efforts to get money for the project. 每次为项目争取资金时,我们都感到一筹莫展。
by turns 轮流地
This book is funny and frightenning by turns. 这本书一会儿好玩一会儿又挺吓人的。
call the turn 言中
You called the turn well. 你说中了。
in the turn of a hand 顷刻间 in turn
1. 依次地
We got on the bus in turn. 我们挨个上车。
2. 反过来
This led to greater production, which in turn led to greater profits. 这使生产扩大,而生产的扩大又带来了更多的利润。
not to do a hand's turn 不费举手之力 on the turn
1. 在转变中
The tide is on the turn. 潮水开始涨了。
2. 牛奶变酸
out of turn
1. 未按照正当顺序地
play out of turn 不按顺序比赛
2. 轻率地;不看场合地
speak out of turn 冒然地说
take turns 依次,轮流
We took turns at the job. 我们轮流干这活。
You can't both use the car at once - you'll have to take turns. 你们两个不能同时用这辆车,得轮流着用。
to a turn 恰好
cooked to a turn (饭菜等)做得恰到好处




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