释义 |
矛盾- (名)
- 1.哲[逻] contradiction
- ♦ ~的普遍性(特殊性) the universality (particularity) of contradiction
- ♦ ~的同一性(斗争性) the identity (struggle) of opposites
- ♦ 主要(非主要)~ principal (nonprincipal) contradiction
- 2. problem; conflict; contradiction
- ♦ 双方发生~已有多年。 The two sides have been in conflict for years.
- ♦ 他俩在闹~。 The two of them have fallen out.
- ♦ ~百出 full of contradictions
- 3. contradict
- ♦ 他说的话前后~。 He was contradicting himself in what he said.
- 4. contradictory
- ♦ 这两种意见并不~。 These two views are not contradictory (or mutually exclusive).
- ♦ 他的心情很~。 His feelings were mixed.