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1. old (not young)
~妇人 an old woman
~马 an old horse
~树 an old tree
他父亲很~了。 His father is very old.
2. experienced; veteran
~作家 a veteran writer
3. old (not new)
~朋友 an old friend
~部下 a former subordinate
~厂 an old factory
~机器 an old machine
~地方 the same old place
~习惯 an old habit
4. (of food) tough; overdone; well-done
牛肉太~。 The beef is too tough.
我喜欢吃~一点的牛排。 I like steak quite well-done.
old people; a venerable old man
敬~ show respect for the aged
(of vegetables) overgrown
菠菜不收就~了。 The spinach will be overgrown if we don't get it in now.
1. for a long time
~没见你啊。 I haven't seen you for ages.
这屋子~不住人, 有股霉味儿。 This room has been left vacant for a long time, so there is a mouldy smell.
2. always; all the time
他~跟我借钱。 He's always borrowing money from me.
他~那么干。 He does it all the time.
3. very
~早 very early
~远 far away
~长的胡子 a very long beard
太阳已经~高了。 The sun is already high.
4. (used as a prefix) (in terms of address before the surnames of acquaintances or friends to indicate intimacy or informality)
~王 Lao Wang
5. in certain names of animals and plants




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