

词汇 sing
sing/sɪŋ/ (sang, sung)
1. 唱,唱歌
We sang together. 我们一起唱歌。
Will you sing to us? 你唱首歌给我们听好吗?
2. (风)呼啸;(水壶或河水等)发出声响
Bullets sang in the battlefield. 战场上子弹嗖嗖地响。
The kettle was singing on the stove. 水壶在炉子上呜呜作响。
The birds were singing in the trees. 鸟儿在枝头鸣唱。
3. 赞美,歌颂
The poet sang of life. 诗人赞美生命。
They sang of the hero's brave deeds. 他们歌颂英雄的英勇事迹。
4. 主美 自首;告密
The muderer sang to the police. 杀人犯向警察自首了。
1. 唱,唱歌,演唱
sing a song 唱一首歌
2. 歌颂;用诗歌叙述
They sang the king's praises. 他们歌颂国王。
3. 唱着使得
The mother sang her baby to sleep. 妈妈唱着使婴儿入睡。
词组sing along 随着唱,跟着唱
The singer was singing along with the piano player. 歌唱家正跟着琴师的音乐演唱。
sing out
1. 大声叫喊
The newsboy sang out the headline of the newspaper. 报童大声报出头条新闻。
2. 讲出;大声讲出
Sing out your thoughts so that we can solve the problem. 讲出你的想法,这样我们才能解决问题。
sing up 使劲唱,唱得更响亮些
Can you sing up? You guys! 你们能否再唱得声音大一点,伙计们?




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