

词汇 penetrate
penetratepen•e•trate /'penɪtreɪt/
1. 刺入;刺穿,穿透
A bullet penetrated his chest. 一颗子弹穿过了他的胸膛。
2. 渗入;透过
She felt the cold penetrated her bones. 她觉得寒气刺骨。
3. 深入,打入
They are hoping to penetrate the American market with their latest products. 他们希望他们的最新产品能打入美国市场。
4. 透过…看见;看穿;识破
Her eyes couldn't penetrate the gloom. 她的眼睛在黑暗里看不见。
penetrate the disguise 识破伪装
5. 洞察,了解
Science endeavors to penetrate the mysteries of nature. 科学力求去洞察自然的奥秘。
1. 刺入;刺穿,穿透
The arrow penetrated through the target. 箭射穿靶子。
2. 渗入;透过;弥漫
The rain penetrated through her coat. 雨水渗过她的外套。
3. 延伸;打进
He had never penetrated into high society. 他从来不曾踏入上流社会。
4. 看穿;识破
5. 了解,洞察
I explained the problem to him several times, but it didn't seem to penetrate. 那个问题我向他解释了多次,但他似乎仍不理解。
–penetration n U –penetrable adj –penetrability /ˌpenɪtrə'bɪlɪtɪ/ n U




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