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词汇 do
1. 做,办,干;尽(力)
do good deeds 做好事
I know what to do. 我知道应该做什么。
do all one can 竭尽全力
do one's duty 尽本分
2. 担任,从事;学习,研究
do carpentry 做木工活
do chemistry 研究化学
3. 完成,做完
I have done my homework. 我已经做完了家庭作业。
4. 制造,造成;创作
do copies 复制几份
do a painting 创作一幅画
5. 给予,带来
do me a favour 帮我一个忙
do her credit 给她带来声誉
6. 处理;收拾(房间等);整理(头发等)
do the room 收拾房间
do the dishes 洗碗碟
do one's hair 梳头发,做头发
7. 算出,解答
Can you do this sum? 你能做这道算术题吗?
8. 走过
We did 50 miles today. 我们今天走了50英里。
9. 演出,上演(戏剧等)
The company will do Fidelio. 该公司将上演《费德里奥》。
10. 扮演(角色)
do King Lear 扮演李尔王
11. 适合,对…合宜,对…足够
That will do me nicely. 那对我很适合。
12. 招待,款待
They do guests very well here. 他们对客人服务很周到。
13. 煮,煎,烧(特指火候把握得恰到好处)
do it in the oven 在烤箱里烤
The meat is done to a turn. 肉烧得恰到好处。
14. 翻译,改写
Do it into English. 把它译成英文。
15. 访问,游览,观光,逛
do London 游览伦敦
do the night clubs 逛夜总会
16. 英口 欺骗,诈骗,哄抢
do the supermarket 哄抢超级市场
17. 控告,指控
do him for shoplifting 以偷窃商店罪控告他
18. 服(刑期)
He's done twenty years for corruption. 他因贪污服刑20年。
19. 使精疲力竭,使疲乏
At the end of the journey we were pretty done. 旅行结束时我们都已疲惫不堪。
20. 打败,毁掉;杀死
You've done me. 你毁了我啦!
1. 做,行动
It's time to be doing. 干起来吧。
2. 表现
3. 进行,行事
Do in Rome as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。
4. (植物等)生长,(在工作、生活、健康等方面)进展
The mother and her child are doing well. 母亲和孩子的身体都很好。
They did badly out of it. 他们混得不好。
5. 行,可以;适合,合用
This money will do for the moment. 这笔钱暂时够用了。
It won't do to worry. 光担心是不行的。
6. 发生
There's nothing doing. 没有发生什么事。
词组do away with
1. 除掉,废除
Do you think capital punishment should be done away with? 你认为死刑该废除吗?
2. 非正式 消灭,干掉,杀死
do away with one's enemies 杀掉敌人
do down 非正式 说(某人的)坏话
She often did down her colleagues. 她常说同事的坏话。
do for
1. 对…有效(或行得通),适用于
This dress will do for you. 这件衣服你穿正合适。
2. 英俚 杀死,干掉,毁灭
3. 英旧 为某人料理家务,替…管家
You come in twice a week to do for us. 你每周来两次替我们料理家务。
4. 使完蛋,毁掉
Our team is done for. 我们队完蛋了。
At the end of the day I'm just about done for. 一整天下来,我几乎累垮了。
do in
1. 非正式 杀死,害死
The criminal has done in the old man. 罪犯已把老人杀害。
2. 筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪
I was all done in after a hard day of work. 我做了一天的辛苦工作后精疲力竭。
do it
1. 获得成功
You've done it at last. 你终于获得了成功。
2. 招灾惹祸
Now you've done it. 这下你可惹祸了。
do or die 拼命干,决一死战 do out
1. 打扫,收拾(房间)
do out a room 把房间收拾好
2. 重新装饰
do out of 骗取
She did him out of $1000. 她骗走了他1000美元。
do over
1. 英口 重新粉刷或油漆(房间、墙壁等)
2. 重做
Everything had to be done over again. 一切都得重头来。
3. 攻击,毒打,痛打
do right 有道理,有理由
You do right to think so. 你这样想有道理。
do up
1. 捆,包扎
do up a parcel 捆包裹
2. 扣好,系好
do up one's coat 把上衣扣好
3. 修缮,整修
The house needs doing up. 这所房子需要维修一下。
4. 打扮
She did herself up for the party. 她打扮了一番,准备参加舞会。
do up right 美俚 彻底地做,仔细地做 do well 明智,有好处,最好还是
You would do well to consult with him often. 你同他多商量会有好处。
do with
1. [常与can,could连用] 需要,想要
I could do with a cup of tea. 我想喝一杯茶。
2. [与what连用] 对付,处置,处理
What shall we do with this? 我们如何处理这件事?
3. [用在否定句中] 容忍
We couldn't do with this. 我们无法容忍这件事。
4. 与…有关系
It is nothing to do with me. 这与我无关。
do without 没有…也行;不需要
No one can do without sleep for a long time. 没有人能长时间不睡觉。
How are you doing? 美口 你好! How do you do? 您好!(常用于被介绍时,以后见面时则用“How are you?”) What can I do for you?
1. 我能为您做点什么?
2. (营业员等的打招呼语)您要买什么?
What is to do? 出了什么事?(发生了什么?)




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