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词汇 line
1. C 线,线条
a straight line 直线
a dotted line 虚线
2. C 条纹;皱纹
His face is covered in lines. 他的脸上布满皱纹。
3. C 界线,界限
cross the line from Vietnam into China 从越南越过边界到中国
4. C,常用复 轮廓,外形
the elegant lines of the ship 船的优美的轮廓线
5. C,常用单 (行动、行为、思想等的)方式;方向
the party line 党的方针
a line of thought 思维方式
6. C 电话线
The line is busy(或engaged). 电话占线。
7. C 绳,索;钓线
Hang out the washing on the line. 把洗好的衣服晾到绳子上。
8. C (文章等的)一行
The underlined word is in line 9. 下划线的单词在第9行。
9. [~s] (演员的)台词
He always forgets his lines. 他总是忘词。
10. [~s] (对学生作为惩罚的)抄书
The teacher gave the naughty boy 30 lines. 老师罚那个淘气的男孩抄30遍书。
11. C (人或物的)排,行列
a line of people waiting for the bus 一排人等着公共汽车
Please stand in a line. 请站成一排。
12. C 铁轨,铁路线
the line from Beijing to Shanghai 京沪线
the main line 干线
a branch line 支线
13. C 专长;行业
What line of business is he in? 他是做哪一行的?
14. C (产品的)种类,类别
The small shop has a good line of leisurewear. 那家小店的休闲装很好。
15. C 运输公司
a shipping(或an air) line 航运(或航空)公司
16. 用作单 【军】 二列编队
17. C,常用单 按时间顺序排列的人;家族,家系
a line of chairmen 历届主席
18. [L-] 用作单 赤道
19. 常作单 【体】 (运动场地的)边线,场界
20. C 【军】 防线;前线
the front line 前线
21. C 信,便条
Drop me a line and let me know how you are. 给我写信,让我知道你过得怎么样。
22. 用作单 战斗部队(包括各兵种);站列步兵(不包括禁卫军)
词组all along the line 全部地;到处
He's created problems all along the line. 他在每一个环节上都制造麻烦。
bring sth.(或come, fall, get, move) into line (with)
1. 排成行,使成直线
Bring the desks into line. 把课桌摆成直线。
2. 使一致,符合
I had to get into line with my colleagues. 我必须与同事们一致。
choose(或follow, take) the line of least resistance 采用最省事的办法
Why didn't you choose the line of least resistance? 你为什么不用最简单的办法呢?
give sb. a line on sth. 把有关某事的消息告诉某人
It's forbidden to give anyone a line on what we are doing. 我们正在做的事是不准告诉别人的。
get(或have) a line on 得到某事的消息
I haven't got a line on their plan. 我还没有任何有关他们的计划的消息。
hold the line 不挂断电话
Hold the line while I see if he's here. 请稍候,我去看看他是否在这儿。
hook, line and sinker见hook in line
1. 排成行,使成直线
The children stood in line. 孩子们站成一排。
2. 协调,一致
Their thoughts on that matter are in line. 他们对那件事的看法完全一致。
3. 按顺序
Who is the next in line 下一个是谁?
in line for 有可能获得…
He is in line for promotion. 他有可能获得提升。
in line with 与…一致
His idea on this matter is in line with mine. 他在这件事上的看法和我的一致。
lay(或put) on the line
1. 付款
The police laid 2,000 yuan on the line to collect information of the murderer. 警方悬赏2,000元,征集凶手的消息。
2. 实话实说
Let's lay it on the line. 我们开诚布公地谈吧。
3. 冒险
He is laying his job on the line in implementing the project. 他冒着失去工作的危险来执行这项计划。
out of line
1. 不成直线
One of the students was out of line. 有一个学生没对齐。
2. 不一致,不协调
His salary is out of line with his workload. 他的工资与工作强度很不协调。
3. 不合常规,出格
His remark at the meeting was out of line. 他在会上说的话很不得体。
shoot a line 夸张,说大话
He is just shooting a line. 他只不过在说大话。
take a ...line on(或over) sb.(sth.) 采取…立场(或措施)处理某人(或某事)
The government took a firm line on this issue. 政府在这个问题上采取强硬立场。




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