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1. hold; grasp
~住栏杆 hold on to a railing
~着手教 take sb. by the hand and teach him how to do sth.
~犁 handle a plough
2. hold (a baby while it relieves itself)
给孩子~尿 hold a baby out to let it urinate
3. guard; watch
1. handle (of a pushcart, etc.)
自行车~ the handlebars of a bicycle
2. bundle; bunch
草~ a bundle of straw
1. (for sth. with a handle)
一~刀 a knife
一~茶壶 a teapot
一~扇子 a fan
2. handful of
一~米 a handful of rice
3. a bunch of flowers (for certain abstract ideas)
有一~年纪 be getting on in years
有~力气 be quite strong
加~劲 make an extra effort; put on a spurt
4. an efficient or skillful worker(for sth. done with the hand)
拉他一~ give him a tug; give (or lend) him a hand
(used to shift the object to before the verb, which must be reduplicated or accompanied by some other word or expression)
~衣服洗洗 have the clothes washed
~头一扭 toss one's head
~衣服撕了个口子 tear a hole in one's jacket
(used after 百, 千, 万, 里, 丈, 顷, 斤, 个, etc., the combination admitting of no numeral) about; or so
个~月 about a month; a month or so
百~人 some hundred people
另见 bà
1. grip; handle
茶壶~儿 the handle of a teapot
枪~儿 rifle butt
2. stem (of a leaf, flower or fruit)
花~儿 a flower stem
另见 bǎ




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