

1. (used in questions) which; what
我们这里有两位姓张的, 您要找的是~一位? We've got two Zhangs here. Which one do you want to see?
你学的是~国语言? What foreign language are you studying?
2. (used in statements to indicate sth. indefinite) whichever; any that
~天有空就请过来。 Come over any time you are free.
你最喜欢~件就拿~件。 Take whichever you like best.
(used in rhetorical questions to express negation)
~有这样的事? Nothing of the sort (or kind)!

(used in the same way as 啊, only after words ending with consonant n)
谢谢您~! Thank you!
我没留神~! I wasn't noticing.
加油干~! Speed up! or Come on!




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