

1. he or him
~刚才给你送票来了。 He came just now with a ticket for you.
谁没有票, 问~要。 Anyone without a ticket can ask him for one.
~俩 the two of them
2. (used for either sex when the sex of a person is unknown or unimportant)
从远处看不出~是男的还是女的。 I can't tell whether it's a man or a woman from a distance.
3. (used before a person's name for emphasis)
这事儿成与不成就看~老张了。 The success or failure of this all depends on no one else but Lao Zhang.
老王~也提前到了。 Lao Wang also came a bit early.
4. (used as a meaningless mock object)
好好睡~一觉 have a good sleep
咱们喝~几杯去。 Let's go and have a few drinks.
你写~两三本书就出名了。 If you can publish a couple of books, you'll become famous.
5. other; another; some other
别无~求 have no other request
留作~用 reserve for other uses
调往~处 be transferred to another place
此人早已~去。 He has long since left.




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