- 1. wipe
- ♦ ~桌子 wipe a table clean
- ♦ ~一把脸 wipe one's face
- 2. rub sth. down; slip sth. off
- ♦ 把帽子~下来 slip one's cap off 另见 mǒmò
- 1. put on; apply; smear; plaster
- ♦ ~点雪花膏 put on a little vanishing cream
- ♦ 面包上~点果酱 spread some jam on a piece of bread
- ♦ ~药膏 apply ointment
- ♦ 你~浆糊, 我来贴布告。 You smear the wall with paste and I'll stick the notice on it.
- 2. wipe
- ♦ ~眼泪 wipe one's eyes; be weeping
- ♦ 用手把嘴一~ wipe one's mouth with the back of the hand
- 3. cross (or strike, blot) out; erase
- ♦ 把这一行字~了。 Cross out this line.
- ♦ ~掉磁带上的录音 erase the recording from a tape 另见 māmò
- 1. daub; plaster
- ♦ ~墙 plaster a wall; daub plaster on a wall
- 2. skirt; bypass
- ♦ ~过林子 skirt the edge of the forest 另见 māmǒ