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词汇 look
1. 看,望,瞧
look sb. in the face 直视某人的脸
look sb. in the eyes 注视着某人的眼睛
look sb. up and down 上下打量某人
2. 注意;留神
Please look what time the train starts. 请留心一下火车什么时候开。
You must look that no one lags behind. 你一定要注意不使任何人落在后面。
3. (目光或脸色)露出…神色
He looked his despair. 他脸上露出失望的表情。
Without saying anything, he looked his thanks. 他一言不发,眼里露出感激之情。
4. 看起来相称
He dosen't look his age. 他看起来与他的年龄并不相称。
1. 看,望,瞧
Look, here he comes. 瞧,他来了。
2. 看起来;好像
He looks strong 他看起来很健壮。
look tired 面露倦容
It looks like rain. 看来要下雨。
He looked in splendid health. 他看起来很健康。
She looked about fourteen. 她看上去大约十四岁。
She looked to be a young girl of twenty. 她看起来像个20岁的姑娘。
3. 注意,留神;查明白
You must look at all the facts. 你必须查明一切事实。
Look here! 注意!
4. 面向,朝着
The window looks north. 窗户朝北。
The hotel looks towards the sea. 饭店面向大海。
词组look about(或around)
1. 环顾四周
We are looking around the shop. 我们正在商店里到处逛。
2. 审查,检查
I'd like to look around before I decide to buy. 在决定买之前我要先仔细检查一下。
look after 照顾,照料
I can look after myself. 我能照顾自己。
look ahead
1. 向前看
Look ahead in the distance, and you can see the mountain. 你往远处看,就能看到山。
2. 为将来打算
Have you looked ahead to what you are going to do next year? 你有没有想过明年要做什么?
look at
Don't look at me. 别看我。
Look at this picture, please 请看这张画。
2. 看待,考虑
He looked at the thing differently with me. 他对这件事的看法与我不同。
3. 检查;察看
She had her teeth looked at by the doctor. 她让医生检查了她的牙。
4. 考虑考虑
They wouldn't even look at my plan. 他们甚至不愿考虑一下我的计划。
look back
1. 回头看
He looked back when someone called to him. 有人叫他时他回头看。
2. 回顾,回忆
He often looked back on his happy childhood. 他经常回忆幸福的童年。
3. 停滞
We shall never look back. 我们决不后退。
look down
1. 向下看
2. 俯视
look down on(或upon) 看不起,轻视
He was always looked down upon by his colleagues. 他总是被同事们看不起。
She looks down on people who have never been to university. 她看不起那些从未上过大学的人们。
look for
1. 寻找
He is looking for a job. 他在找工作。
2. 希望得到
What result are you looking for? 你想得到什么结果呢?
3. 招惹(麻烦、困难等)
The boys are always looking for trouble. 男孩子总是招惹是非。
look forward to 盼望,期望
I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon. 我盼着很快再见到你。
We are looking forward to your visit. 我们盼望着您的来访。
look in
1. 向…里看
I looked in my drawer and saw nothing. 我往抽屉里看,什么也没有。
2. 顺道拜访
I looked in on an old friend when I went to Shanghai. 我去上海时顺道拜访了一个老朋友。
look into
1. 朝…里看
I looked into the room but no one was there. 我向房间里看,里面没人。
2. 调查,观察
The police are looking into the murder. 警方在调查谋杀案。
look on
look on
1. 旁观
People just looked on while he was beaten. 他被打时大家只是旁观。
2. 看待
I look on him as my best friend. 我把他看作是最好的朋友。
look out
1. 往外看
He sat by the window and looked out. 他坐在窗户边向外看。
2. 注意,小心
Look out for thieves. 当心小偷。
look over
1. 从…上面看
A boy was looking over the fence. 一个男孩从篱笆上看过来。
2. 检查;查阅
The teacher is looking over the students' homework. 老师在批改学生的作业。
Here's today's mail. I've looked it over and have found nothing urgent. 这是今天的邮件,我查看过了,没有发现什么急件。
3. 面向
Our office looks over the street. 我们的办公室面向大街。
look to
1. 面向,朝向
His room looks to the park. 他的房间朝向公园。
2. 留心,照看
Who looked to your children when you were out? 你不在时谁照料你的孩子?
3. 依赖,依靠
He looked to his parents in everything. 他事事依赖父母。
4. 期待
He is looking to be promoted. 他期待着晋升。
look towards
1. 朝…看
He was looking towards the door when the door bell rang. 门铃响时他正朝门看。
2. 朝向
The house looks towards the square. 房子朝向广场。
3. 考虑(将来等)
look towards the future 考虑未来
look up
1. 向上看
He looked up from his book when I entered the room. 我进屋时,他把目光从书上移开,抬头看了我一眼。
2. 好转,改善
His business has looked up since last year. 他的生意从去年开始好转。
3. 查阅
Look up the word in your dictionary. 在字典里查一下这个字。
4. 看望,拜访
Look me up next time you come to town. 下次进城时一定要来看我。
5. 尊敬
The old lady is looked up to by her neighbours. 老妇人为邻居们所尊敬。
She has always looked up to her father. 她一向敬重父亲。




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