- 1. dye
- ♦ 把一块布~成绿色 dye a piece of cloth green
- ♦ 我们的战旗是烈士的鲜血~红的。 Our standard is dyed with the blood of our martyrs.
- 2. catch (a disease); acquire (a bad habit, etc.)
- ♦ ~上了痢疾 have caught dysentery
- ♦ ~上了赌博的恶习 have contracted the bad habit of gambling
- ♦ 母亲不允许我们~上一点坏习惯。 Mother doesn't allow us to acquire any bad habits.
- 3. soil; contaminate
- ♦ 污染
- 4. add details to a painting, etc.
- ♦ 渲染