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词汇 thin
thin/θɪn/ (thinner; thinnest)
1. 薄的;细的
a thin slice of ham 一片薄火腿
thin thread 细线
2. 瘦削的
His illness left him looking pale and thin. 他病后显得苍白而消瘦。
She's tall and rather thin. 她个子高而且很瘦。
3. 稀薄的;清淡的
The higher you climb a mountain, the thinner the air becomes. 山爬得越高,空气变得越稀薄。
a thin diet 清淡的饮食
4. (声音)微弱的
a thin voice 微弱的嗓音
5. 稀少的;稀疏的
His hair is getting rather thin on top. 他渐渐谢顶了。
The audience was rather thin. 观众寥寥无几。
6. 无法信服的
a thin excuse 站不住脚的借口
thin humour 肤浅的幽默
The article seemed rather thin. 这文章读上去颇为空洞。
词组thin on the ground 少的;不多的 through thick and thin 见thick –thinness n U

thin, lean, slender, slim, underweight, bony, skinny

这些词都用于描述人,其中,thin最为常用,有时略含否定意味。lean, slender, slim含有褒义,其中slimslender多指女士身材苗条,而 slimslender更常用;而 lean多指男士清瘦而强健。bonyskinny均含否定意味,意为瘦削的,皮包骨的。bony多用来形容人的手部、脸部。 skinny为非正式用语。underweight则多用于较正式的医学场合,指体重低于标准值。试比较:

She is thin and tall. 她既瘦且高。

The girl keeps slim by taking regular exercise. 这个女孩通过经常锻炼来保持苗条身材。

I'm surprised at her bony hands.看到她骨瘦如柴的双手,我吃了一惊。

He is several pounds underweight. 他比标准体重轻几磅。





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