

词汇 gate
n C
1. 大门;(篱笆等)门
The gate of the school closes at 10 p.m. 晚上10点关校门。
a flood gate 水闸门
2. 大门口
Who is the man at the gate? 门口的那个人是谁?
3. 出入口;途径
The Straits of Gibraltar are the gate of the Mediterranean. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海的大门。
Hard work is the gate to success. 努力工作是通向成功的大门。
4. (比赛、演出等的)观众数;门票收入
There was a gate of thousands. 观众数以千计。
This game brought a record gate of $30,000. 这场比赛获得创记录的3万美元的门票收入。
词组get the gate 被解雇;被拒绝
The idle fellow has got the gate at last. 这个懒汉终于被解雇了。
Joe is sad because he just got the gate from his girl. 乔很伤心,因为他的女朋友抛弃了他。




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