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词汇 back
1. 使后退;使倒转
back the car 倒车
back sb. into a corner 迫使某人后退到角落
2. 支持,鼓励
Don't worry. I will back you up. 别担心!我会支持你的。
back the government in its action 支持政府的行动
3. 给…装上背衬;在背后加固
back a coat 给大衣加衬里
back the photo with strong cardboard 在照片背面裱上一层纸板
4. 衬托;以…为背景
a beach backed by hills 傍山的海滩
It was a sunny spot backed by a wall. 墙前边那块儿地方阳光很好。
5. 下赌注于
We backed a certain horse, but it finished fourth. 我们把赌注押在了一匹马上,但它只跑了个第四。
1. 后退;倒退
He backed away from the gun. 他往后退了退,躲开了枪口。
2. (风)依北、西、南、东的次序转向
词组back away from sb. 避开某人 back down 打退堂鼓
The speaker's forceful words persuaded his opponent to back down. 演讲人的雄辩使得他的对手知难而退了。
back off 后退,放弃
Now the time for action has arrived,it is too late to back off. 行动的时刻到了,打退堂鼓已经来不及了。
back onto 背朝,背靠
Our house backs onto a piece of woodland. 我们的房屋背朝着一片林地。
back out 不遵守(诺言、合同等),改变主意
We're in too deep to back out. 我们卷入太深,反悔不了了。
back up
1. 支持
Susan would back me up if she were here. 要是苏珊在这儿的话,她会支持我的。
2. 使堵塞
The accident backed up traffic. 事故堵塞了交通。
3. 往后退
Back up a bit so that everyone can see. 往后退点儿,让大家都能看到。
4. 【计】 做备份




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