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1. hold; take
~去。 Take it.
~来。 Bring it here.
她手里~着一把扇子。 She's holding a fan in her hand.
把这些东西~走。 Take these things away.
不~枪的敌人 enemies without guns
2. seize; capture
~下敌人的碉堡 capture the enemy's blockhouse
他们~住三个匪徒。 They captured three bandits.
3. have a firm grasp of; be able to do; be sure of
~不准 not be sure; feel uncertain
这事你~得稳吗? Are you sure of it?
4. put sb. in a difficult position
这件事你~不住人。 I don't think you can make things difficult by not doing the job.
他说不干了, 想~我一把。 He said he wasn't going to do it and tried to put me in an awkward position.
5. (of a chemical agent, etc.) turn sth. bad
这块木头让药水~白了。 The chemical agent has bleached the wooden block.
1. by means of; with; by
~尺量 measure with a ruler
~事实证明 prove with facts; cite facts to prove
~这个标准去衡量 judge by this standard
2. (used in the same way as 把 bǎ Ⅳ)
不能~工作当儿戏。 You shouldn't treat your work as a trifling matter.
她要是一定要走, 你又能~她怎么样? If she insists on leaving, what can you do about it?
3. (used with 来说, 来讲, 来看, etc.) as regards; as to
~产品质量来讲 as to the quality of the products
~英语水平来看, 她比组里其他人要强些。 So far as English proficiency goes, she is better than the other members of the group.




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