

词汇 love
1. U 爱,热爱;爱好
My mother's love for me was very great. 我母亲对我非常钟爱。
He was sincere in his love for literature. 他真心喜爱文学。
love of (或for) one's country 热爱祖国
love of (或for) sports 爱好体育运动
2. U 爱情,恋爱;性爱
My love for you is deeper than the sea. 我对你的爱比海还深。
3. C 心爱的人
She is the greatest love of my life. 她是我一生中最心爱的人。
Take care, my love. 我的心上人,保重。
4. C 爱好或喜好的事物
Dancing is one of her great loves. 跳舞是她的一大爱好。
5. C 亲爱的(常作夫妇、情侣间或对孩子的爱称);亲属间的问候
Please give her my love. 请替我向她问好。
Mind your head, love. 亲爱的,当心碰头。
6. C 招人喜爱的人(或物)
The dog is really a love. 这只狗真招人喜爱。
7. [L-] 爱神,爱的化身
8. C (网球比赛中的)零分
词组for love
1. 出于爱好
I did it just for love. 我这样做完全是出于爱好。
2. 义务地,不计报酬地
The boy mowed my lawn for love. 那男孩义务为我修整草坪。
They are all volunteers, doing it just for love. 他们都是志愿者,做这件事纯属尽义务。
for the love of 为…起见
Do some exercise for the love of your health. 为了你的健康,运动一下吧。
for the love of God [表示惊讶或愤怒或用于催促某人做某事] 看在上帝的份上
For the love of God stop all that nonsense. 看在上帝的份上,别胡闹了。
give (或send) sb. one's love 向某人致意
Please give your parents my love. 请代我向你父母问好。
in love (with) 恋爱;倾心
He had never been in love before. 他以前从未谈过恋爱。
He fell in love with Mary at first sight. 他对玛丽一见钟情。
If you are really in love with art, you don't mind hard work. 如果你真的迷恋上艺术,你是不会怕苦的。
make love 做爱 not for love or money 无论如何(也不)
We can't buy a ticket for love or money. 我们怎么也买不到一张票。
there is no love lost between (…之间)没有好感,相互厌恶
There was no love lost between these two. 这两个人彼此厌恶。




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