

词汇 contrary
contrarycon•tra•ry /'kɒntrərɪ/
n 用作单 正式
1. 相反;相反事物
He did not say the contrary. 他没说意思相反的话。
2. 对立;对立面
Hot is the contrary of cold. 热是冷的反面。
词组by contraries 违背;与预料相反地
Dreams often go by contraries. 梦常与事实相反。
Many things in our lives go by contraries. 人生中有许多事情与我们的愿望相违背。
on the contrary 正相反
“I am sure you like your new job.” “On the contrary,it's dull.” “我想你一定喜欢你的新工作。” “正好相反,这新工作很乏味。”
to the contrary 相反的(或地)
I shall continue to believe it until I have proof to the contrary. 在我获得相反证据之前,我将继续相信它。

contrary, opposite

这二个词都有“相反”的含义。二者区别在于:contrary意思为“相反”,主要用于词组on the contrary中;而opposite的意思为“相反的人或物”,当表达black和white这类概念时,常说black是white的opposite。注意区别:

They say he is guilty, but I believe the contrary.他们说他有罪,可我认为他没罪。Black and white are opposites.黑与白相反。





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