

词汇 admit
admitad•mit /əd'mɪt/ (admitted, admitted; admitting)
1. (不情愿地)承认;供认
The soldiers refused to admit defeat. 士兵们不肯承认失败。
The thief had to admit stealing the gold watch. 小偷不得不承认偷了金表。
We must admit the work to be difficult. 我们必须承认这项工作很困难。
He finally admitted himself beaten. 他终于承认自己被打败了。
You must admit that she was right. 你必须承认,她是对的。
2. 接纳,容许进入(某地、某范畴),容许享受(某种特权)
Jane was admitted to the bar. 简取得了律师资格。
be admitted to (the) hospital 因生病而被送进医院
3. 容纳
The stadium admits 5,000 people. 这个体育场可容纳5,000人。
4. (认为真实、合法而)接受,确认
admit evidence (判定有效而)接受证据
1. 承认
They admit to having taken time off when they were not ill. 他们承认装病请假。
Mary admits to the age of forty. 玛丽承认她已经40岁了。
2. 容许;有…的余地
The current situation does not admit of this. 当前情况不容许如此。
3. 通往,开向
The road admits to the Great Wall Hotel. 这条路通往长城饭店。
词组admitting that 即便…是确实的,假设…是事实
Admitting that she was right, it would be impossible for us to do it. 即便她是对的,我们也不可能去做。


1. admit 与acknowledge的含义较接近,都作“承认”解,但表示“虽不愿意却不得不承认(某一事实)”,承认的原因可能是与外界的压力有关,也可能是出于理智的考虑,例如:

They had to admit that.他们不得不承认那一点。

而 acknowledge则不含此义。

2. admit有时用于插入语中,表示“承认”,但语气较弱。

What he said at the meeting, I admit, is quite true.我承认,他在会上所说的确是真的。





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