- (构词成分)
- 1. (used at the end of a question)
- ♦ 下午有会~?Is there a meeting this afternoon?
- ♦ 你找我有事~?Is there something you want to see me about?
- ♦ 明天他来~?Will he come tomorrow?
- 2. (used to form a pause in a sentence before introducing the theme of what one is going to say)
- ♦ 特殊情况~, 还得特殊对待。 Special cases, of course, need special consideration.
- ♦ 这件事~, 其实也不能怪他。 This matter, actually, is not his fault.
- 3. used at the end of a rhetorical question
- ♦ 你发这么大脾气像话~?Aren't you ashamed of flying into such a rage?
- ♦ 你难道没看见我正忙着~?Don't you see I'm busy at the moment?
- ♦ 这不是很明白的~? Isn't this perfectly clear? 另见 mǎ
另见 mɑ