释义 |
roll/rəʊl/ vi- 1. (圆形物体)滚动
- • The ball rolled into the hole. 球滚到洞里去了。
- 2. (人或动物)打滚
- • The cat is rolling on my bed. 那只猫在我的床上打滚。
- 3. (车辆等)行驶
- • The truck rolled past before us. 卡车从我们面前驶过。
- 4. 被卷起;被绕起;被裹住
- • The wire rolls slowly. 这种金属丝卷起来很慢。
- 5. (泪珠、汗水等)滚落
- • The sweat rolled down his neck. 汗水沿着他的脖子往下淌。
- 6. (波涛等)翻滚
- • The waves rolled onto the beach. 波浪翻滚,一直冲到海滩上。
- 7. (眼睛等)转动,旋转
- • His eyes were rolling with fear. 他的眼睛因恐惧而骨碌碌地转。
- 8. (骰子)被掷
- 9. (船或车)左右摇晃,摇摆;(飞机)横滚,侧滚
- • The ship rolled in the storm. 轮船在暴风雨中颠簸摇晃。
- • The plane rolled in the clouds. 飞机在云层中颠簸着。
- 10. 被滚压;被辗;被擀,被烫平
- • The dough does not roll well. 生面团不容易擀。
- 11. 蹒跚地走
- • The man rolled out of a pub in the midnight. 那人在半夜从一家小酒馆蹒跚着走出来。
- 12. (雷、鼓等)发出连续而低沉的声音
- • The drums rolled in the distance. 远处传来阵阵鼓声。
- 13. (机器、相机等)运转,启动
- • The new equipment is rolling. 那套新设备正在运转。
- 14. (地势)起伏;伸展
- • hills rolling away into the distance 连绵起伏一直延伸到远处的小山
vt- 1. 使滚动
- • The child rolls a hoop. 小孩滚(铁)环。
- • Roll the ball to me. 把球滚给我。
- 2. 推车;用车载运
- • There's a waiter rolling the cold dish cart around. 有一个侍者推着凉菜车走来走去。
- 3. 卷起,绕起,裹住
- • roll a cigarette 卷一枝烟
- • roll the newspaper (up) 把报纸卷起来
- 4. 转动(眼睛)
- • The little girl rolls her eyes as her grandpa is telling a story. 爷爷讲故事的时候,小女孩滴溜溜地转动着一双眼睛。
- 5. 美 掷(骰子),掷出(骰子数)
- 6. 把…压平,把…碾平
- • The lawn should be well rolled. 草坪该好好碾一碾了。
- 7. (趁某人睡觉或喝醉时等)抢劫(某人)
- • roll drunks in the street 在街上打劫醉汉
词组get rolling (计划等)开始运作 • When the project gets rolling, we'll have more time to think about other things. 当项目开始运作起来以后,我们就会有更多的时间来考虑别的事情了。 roll around 1. 转动 • The globe keeps rolling around all the time. 地球转动不息。 2. (季节)周而复始 • Autumn has rolled around. 秋天又来到了。 roll back 1. (使)滚回;(使)卷起 • The ball rolled back. 球滚回来了。 • Let's roll back the carpets and have a dance. 我们把地毯卷起来跳会儿舞吧。 2. 减少(政府等的权力或影响等) • Neo-liberalism aims to roll back the borders of the state in economy. 新自由主义的目标在于减少政府对于经济活动的干预。 3. 减少,降低 • roll back taxes 减税 roll by 1. 驶过 • The little boy enjoys watching the cars roll by. 小男孩喜欢注视汽车驶过。 2. (时间)流逝 • Years rolled by. 岁月流逝。 rolled into one 合为一体,身兼多职 • He is artist,scientist and businessman (all) rolled into one. 他既是艺术家,又是科学家和实业家。 roll in 口1. (云、雾等)滚滚而来 • Fog rolled in from the bottom of the valley. 雾气从谷底滚滚而来。 2. 大量涌来 • Greeting cards kept rolling in before Christmas. 圣诞节前,贺卡像雪花一样飞来。 3. 上床,就寝 roll out 1. 展开(卷起之物) • roll out a red carpet 铺红地毯(隆重欢迎贵宾) 2. 俚 起床,起身 roll over 翻转 • roll over on one's back 翻身仰卧 |