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词汇 toss
1. 抛;掷;投
He tossed the ball into the air. 他把球抛向空中。
I tossed him a cigarette. 我扔给他一支香烟。
2. 把…抛来抛去;使摇晃
The stormy wind was tossing the branches. 风暴猛烈地摇晃着树枝。
The little boat was tossed widely by the waves. 小船被海浪拍打得颠簸不已。
3. 甩;挥动;突然抬起
The horse tossed its head back and smelt the wind. 马把头往后一仰,嗅嗅风头。
He tossed his head back and went out of the room. 他突然把头一仰就走出房间。
4. 掷(硬币)
The two captains tossed a coin before the match. 双方队长在赛前抛硬币决定谁先开球。
I'll toss you for the cake. 我和你用掷硬币的方法来决定谁吃这块蛋糕。
5. 轻轻搅拌
Toss the vegetables in butter. 把蔬菜在黄油里拌一拌。
1. 上下摇晃;摇动;颠簸
The vessel tossed about on the stormy sea. 船在波涛汹涌的海浪中颠簸着。
2. 翻来覆去
I tossed about all night. 我整夜翻来覆去无法入眠。
词组toss down 一饮而尽 toss off
1. 轻而易举地
I tossed the article off in half an hour. 我在半小时内轻松地把文章写完。
2. 把…一饮而尽
toss off a pint of beer 一口气喝下一品托啤酒
toss out
1. 提出…供讨论
toss out a question 提出问题来讨论
2. 抛弃
toss out old ideas 摒弃旧思想
toss up 掷硬币决胜负
As there was only one ticket left, we decided to toss up for it. 因为只剩下一张票子,我们决定用掷硬币来决定给谁。




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