

词汇 towards
towardsto•wards /tə'wɔːdz/ 主英 亦作 toward 主美
1. 朝;向;对着
I saw him running towards me. 我看到他正朝我跑过来。
He walked towards the door. 他向门口走去。
2. 为…的;有…趋势
There is a distinct tendency towards inflation. 目前通货膨胀趋势明显。
make efforts towards world peace 为世界和平而努力
3. 对于;关于
His attitude towards me has changed a lot. 他对我的态度大为改变。
Neighbours ought to be friendly towards each other. 邻里间应该彼此和睦相处。
4. 接近;大约
Towards the end of the game I fell asleep. 我在比赛快结束时睡着了。
There are towards 100 persons. 大约有100人。
词组go far towards 大大有助于
Your proposal will go far towards solving the problem. 你的建议将大大有助于解决问题。




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