

词汇 soul
1. C 灵魂;心灵
The pastor commended his soul to God. 神父将灵魂付托给上帝。
Congratulations to you from the bottom of my soul. 我衷心地祝贺你。
2. 用作单 精力
He put his whole soul into his study. 他把全部精力投入到研究中。
3. U 高尚的情操;道义
He's a man of great soul. 他是个很有道义的人。
The man has a soul over trifles. 那个人有一种超脱琐事的高尚情操。
4. C 人;家伙
There's not a soul to be seen in the street. 街上一个人影都没有。
Don't tell a soul. 谁也别告诉。
He lost his job, poor soul. 他丢了工作,真可怜。
5. 人口
There were barely 100 souls in that town. 那个小镇只有100人。
6. U 热情;气魄;蕴涵
The symphony has great soul. 这交响乐很有气魄。
This painting has no soul. 这幅画毫无生气。
7. 用作单 化身;典范
He's the soul of honour. 他是荣誉的化身。
The man is the soul of humility. 那个人为人谦卑。
8. C 鬼魂;幽魂
All Souls' Day (天主教)万灵节
9. U 灵乐(美国现代黑人通俗音乐,源于福音音乐等,表达浓烈的情感)
a soul singer 灵乐歌手
Bless my soul! 见bless sell one's soul (for) 出卖灵魂;做违背良心的事
He sold his soul for money. 他为金钱出卖了自己的灵魂。
the life and soul 中心人物;最活跃的人
She is the life and soul of any place. 无论到哪里,她都是最活跃的人。




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