- 1.
使惊奇;使感到意外;使震惊 -
• His news surprised me. 他的消息让我大吃一惊。 -
• I was surprised to see you here. 我真没想到会在这里见到你。 -
• We were surprised at his behaviour. 我们对他的行为感到震惊。 - 2.
当场抓住;正巧发现 -
• A security guard surprised the burglars in the store room. 保安当场抓住了在仓库偷东西的窃贼。 - 3.
出其不意地攻占;使措手不及 -
• surprise the opposition party 使反对党措手不及 - 4.
出其不意地使(某人)做(某事) -
• The police surprised the criminal into telling the truth. 警方用出其不意的办法使罪犯吐露了实情。 -
• Our soldiers surprised the enemy into revealing their positions by firing a few shots. 我们的战士们冷不防打了几枪就让敌人暴露了他们的位置。
surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle
Her refusal surprised us all. 她的拒绝使我们都感到惊讶。
I was astonished by his ignorance. 他的无知使我惊讶得不可置信。
The news of their divorce astounded me. 他们离婚的消息使我大为震惊。
Your knowledge amazes me. 你丰富的知识令我吃惊。
The sudden noise in the bushes startled her。灌木丛中突如其来的响声吓得她惊跳起来。