- 1. get together; assemble
- ♦ 聚会
- 2. meet; see
- ♦ 昨天我没有~着他。 I didn't see him yesterday.
- 3. understand; grasp
- ♦ 误会
- 4. know
- ♦ 我~英语, 不~日语。 I know English but don't know Japanese.
- ♦ 他还~两出京戏。 He's able to sing a few airs of Beijing Opera.
- 5. can; be able to
- ♦ ~滑冰 can skate
- ♦ 这孩子刚~走路, 还不大~说话。 The baby has just learnt to walk but has't learnt to speak yet.
- 6. be good at; be skilful in
- ♦ ~修各种钟表 be skilled in repairing all kinds of clocks and watches
- ♦ 很~这一套 be a past master of this sort of game
- 7. be likely to; be sure to
- ♦ 他~在家吗? Is he likely to be at home?
- ♦ 他~来的。 He's sure to come.
- ♦ 没想到~这么顺利。 I didn't expect things would go off so smoothly.
- 8. pay (or foot) a bill
- ♦ 饭钱我~过了。 I've paid for the meal.
- 1. meeting; gathering; party; get-together; conference
- ♦ 晚上有个全组~。 There's going to be a meeting of the whole group tonight.
- 2. association; society; union
- ♦ 帮会
- 3. a temple fair
- ♦ 庙会
- 4. chief city; capital
- ♦ 都会
- 5.
口 a moment - ♦ 一会儿 另见 kuài
另见 huì