- 1. good; fine; nice
- ♦ ~人 a nice person
- ♦ 天气真~。 The weather's really nice.
- 2. friendly; kind
- ♦ ~朋友 a good (or great) friend
- ♦ 他们对我真~。 They are really kind to me.
- 3. be in good health; get well
- ♦ 我的病~了。 I'm well (or all right) now.
- ♦ 你~哇! How are you?
- 4. be ready; done
- ♦ 饭~了。 The food (or rice) is ready.
- 5. used after verbs to indicate finishing or finishing satisfactorily
- ♦ 这件事他做不~。 He can't do that job well.
- 1. (used before verbs) be good to; be easy to
- ♦ 这个问题~回答。 This question is easy to answer.
- ♦ 这本书可不~买。 This book is not easily available.
- ♦ 暖瓶放在这儿~拿。 It's handy to have the thermos here.
- 2. the better to; in order to; so that
- ♦ 今儿早点睡, 明儿~早起赶火车。 Let's turn in early, so as to get up early tomorrow to catch the train.
- ♦ 把她的地址告诉我, 我~找她。 Tell me her address so that I can go and see her.
- 3. (used before adjectives with exclamatory force) very; quite; so
- ♦ 今天~冷。 Today is quite cold.
- ♦ 你~大胆子。 You are so daring.
- ♦ ~大的工程! What a huge project!
- 4. (used before adjectives in the same way as 多) to what extent; how
- ♦ 火车站离这儿~远? How far is the railway station from here?
- 5. (used before indefinite numbers) quite a few
- ♦ ~几个 quite a few
- ♦ ~几天 quite a few days
- ♦ ~半天 quite a while
- ♦ ~, 就这么办。 O.K., it's settled. 另见hào
- 1. like; love; be fond of
- ♦ ~说话 like to talk
- ♦ ~表现 like to show off
- ♦ ~跳舞 love dancing
- ♦ ~喝酒 be fond of drinking
- ♦ ~管闲事 meddlesome; officious
- 2. be liable to
- ♦ ~晕船 be liable to seasickness; be a bad sailor
- ♦ ~伤风 be subject to colds; catch cold easily 另见 hǎo