

词汇 business
businessbusi•ness /'bɪznɪs/
1. U 交易,生意;商业;营业额
He is in the real estate business. 他在做房地产生意。
2. C 工商企业;商店,商行;工厂;营业所
a business center 商业中心
3. 用作单 工作,职业;职务,职责;目的;任务,使命
One third of the workers will be out of business after the reduction of the staff. 这次裁员后将有三分之一的工人失业。
It is the parents' business to make their children educated. 让自己的孩子受教育是家长们的职责。
4. U,用作单 事务,事;要事,要务
private business 私事
an awkward business 一件麻烦事
词组Business is business. 公事公办。 get down to business 着手认真办事
It's time for you to get down to business. 你该认真办事了。
go about one's business 干自己的事 go out of business 停业,歇业 mean business 非正式 当真,是认真的 mind one's own business 别管闲事




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