- 1.
保存,保留,保持 -
• You can keep the dictionary. I don't need it any more. 你可以留着那本字典,我不再需要它了。 -
• I keep all the letters from my friends. 我保留着朋友们的全部来信。 - 2.
使保持在一定状态;使保持;使继续进行,继续做 -
• keep the door open 让门开着 -
• Put your boots on. It'll keep you warm. 穿上靴子会使你暖和。 -
• How much longer are you going to keep us waiting? 你还要让我们等多久? - 3.
阻止,妨碍,耽搁 -
• He's late. What kept him? 他迟到了,什么事情使他耽搁了? -
• The matter is pressing. I have to keep you for a few minutes. 这件事很急,我不得不打扰你几分钟。 - 4.
存放,保管 -
• She keeps her jewellery in a safe. 她把首饰存放在一个保险箱里。 -
• One of my friends kept my house when I was abroad. 我在国外时一个朋友帮我照管房子。 - 5.
抚养(人);饲养(动物) -
• The old couple keep a couple of dogs and a couple of cats. 老夫妇养了两只狗和两只猫。 - 6.
照顾;供养,赡养 -
• His mother kept his baby when he was away on business. 他出差时母亲照顾他的孩子。 -
• She keeps her grandparents. 她赡养爷爷奶奶。 - 7.
经营,料理,管理 -
• A friend of mine kept a teahouse. 我的一个朋友开有一家茶坊。 -
• “Do you sell cigarettes?” “Sorry, we don't keep them.” “你们卖烟吗?”“对不起,我们不卖烟。” - 8.
履行(诺言等);保守(秘密等);遵循 -
• keep one's promise 履行诺言 -
• keep a secret 保守秘密 - 9.
正式 保护,防卫 -
• God bless you and keep you. 上帝保佑你。 - 10.
过(节、生日等) -
• Southerners don't keep the Spring Festival the way northerners do. 南方人过春节的方式与北方人不同。 - 11.
在(某物)上作书面记载;记录 -
• keep an account 记账 -
• keep a diary 记日记
- 1.
保存(食物等) -
• How long will this food keep in the refrigerator? 这种食物在冰箱里能放多久? - 2.
保持,继续 -
• Keep quiet. 保持安静。 -
• Mind you keep warm. 注意保暖。
keep(on) ...ing
keep (on)之后不能接动词不定式,而是与动词的ing形式连用,表示两个意思:重复和继续。在此结构中,keep on的意思跟keep相同,但含有强调重复性和决心之义,例如:
Keep smiling.保持微笑。
Whatever happens, keep on trying.不管发生什么事情都要继续试下去。
keep, maintain, preserve
This coat will keep you warm.这件衣服可以让你保暖。
The two countries have maintained(或kept) friendly relations for years.多年来两国一直保持着友好的关系。preserve侧重表示使某物“保持”原样,不受外界变化的影响。常指某物相当珍贵因而需要加以精心保护,例如:
We were in favor of taking steps to preserve the old temple.我们赞同采取措施保护这座古庙。