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词汇 keep
keep/kiːp/ (kept /kept/,kept)
1. 保存,保留,保持
You can keep the dictionary. I don't need it any more. 你可以留着那本字典,我不再需要它了。
I keep all the letters from my friends. 我保留着朋友们的全部来信。
2. 使保持在一定状态;使保持;使继续进行,继续做
keep the door open 让门开着
Put your boots on. It'll keep you warm. 穿上靴子会使你暖和。
How much longer are you going to keep us waiting? 你还要让我们等多久?
3. 阻止,妨碍,耽搁
He's late. What kept him? 他迟到了,什么事情使他耽搁了?
The matter is pressing. I have to keep you for a few minutes. 这件事很急,我不得不打扰你几分钟。
4. 存放,保管
She keeps her jewellery in a safe. 她把首饰存放在一个保险箱里。
One of my friends kept my house when I was abroad. 我在国外时一个朋友帮我照管房子。
5. 抚养(人);饲养(动物)
The old couple keep a couple of dogs and a couple of cats. 老夫妇养了两只狗和两只猫。
6. 照顾;供养,赡养
His mother kept his baby when he was away on business. 他出差时母亲照顾他的孩子。
She keeps her grandparents. 她赡养爷爷奶奶。
7. 经营,料理,管理
A friend of mine kept a teahouse. 我的一个朋友开有一家茶坊。
“Do you sell cigarettes?” “Sorry, we don't keep them.” “你们卖烟吗?”“对不起,我们不卖烟。”
8. 履行(诺言等);保守(秘密等);遵循
keep one's promise 履行诺言
keep a secret 保守秘密
9. 正式 保护,防卫
God bless you and keep you. 上帝保佑你。
10. 过(节、生日等)
Southerners don't keep the Spring Festival the way northerners do. 南方人过春节的方式与北方人不同。
11. 在(某物)上作书面记载;记录
keep an account 记账
keep a diary 记日记
1. 保存(食物等)
How long will this food keep in the refrigerator? 这种食物在冰箱里能放多久?
2. 保持,继续
Keep quiet. 保持安静。
Mind you keep warm. 注意保暖。
词组keep at (使某人)继续做
He kept us at the work until 11 o'clock. 他让我们一直工作到11点。
She kept at typing till it finished. 她一直干到把字打完。
keep away (使)离开
Children should be kept away from fire. 不要让小孩接近火。
keep back
1. 隐瞒
He told us the whole story but kept back the names. 他告诉了我们整件事,但隐瞒了人名。
2. 扣除
They kept back 5% of my wages to pay for the income tax. 他们扣去我工资的5%以缴纳所得税。
3. (使)不靠近
Keep back, please. 请勿靠近。
keep down
1. (使身体、声音)压低
Keep down or you'll bump your head on the doorframe. 弯下身,不然你的头要撞到门框了。
2. 压缩,抑制
keep the price down 压低价格
3. 镇压,压服
keep down the conquered people 镇压被征服的人民
4. 咽下,不吐出
The medicine is too bitter to keep down. 药太苦,咽不下去。
keep from
1. 不让…知道
You can't keep the matter from others. 你不可能不让其他人知道这件事。
2. 阻止,避免;克制
You should keep from working too late. 你应该避免工作得太晚。
She couldn't keep from crying when she heard the bad news. 她听到这坏消息时忍不住哭了。
keep going (使) 不停止;(使)继续存在 keep in
1. 把…关在…
His son was kept in after class. 他的儿子课后被罚留在学校。
2. 控制
keep in one's anger 抑制怒气
keep in with 与…友好相处,讨好
He kept in with his boss. 他与老板友好相处。
keep off
1. (使)离开,(使)不靠近
Keep your hands off my stamps. 别碰我的邮票。
Close the window to keep the wind off. 关上窗别让风吹进来。
2. 不下(雨、雪等)
If the rain keeps off, we'll go to the park. 如果不下雨,我们就去公园。
3. 不提及
We all kept off his scandal when with him. 和他在一起时,我们都避免提及他的丑闻。
keep on
1. 继续
The children kept on watching TV all night. 孩子们一晚上都在看电视。
2. 继续雇佣,留用
They won't keep him on after the event. 那件事之后,他们不会再留用他了。
3. 唠叨着说
He kept on at me the whole afternoon about the accident he had seen. 整个下午他都在喋喋不休地对我讲述他看到的事故。
keep out(使) 不进入
Close the door and the windows to keep the cold out. 关上门窗别让寒气进来。
keep out of 不参加,(使)不卷入
He managed to keep out of the political scandal. 他尽力不卷入政治丑闻。
keep to
1. 不离开(某处)
Keep to the corner and wait for me. 留在街角等我。
Keep to your bed till your temperature comes down. 退烧前不准下床。
2. 遵守,信守
keep to one's promise 信守诺言
Remember to keep to the subject when giving a lecture. 作演讲时切勿离题。
keep to oneself
1. 不与人交往;不与人交谈
Nobody knows much about old Smout. He keeps to himself most of the time. 人们对老斯茂特了解很少;他不大和人交往。
2. 对…秘而不宣;保守秘密
Don't keep it to yourself; we need your knowledge and experience. 别保守了,我们需要你的知识和经验。
keep up
1. (价格等)保持高水平,不下降
The shortage of vegetables kept the prices up. 蔬菜短缺,价格居高不下。
2. (使)继续
I don't believe he can keep up working like that. 我不信他能那样继续干下去。
3. 不落在…后面
He walked too fast and his son could not keep up. 他走得太快,他的儿子跟不上了。
Her son was ill for almost a month and was hard to keep up with the rest of the class. 她儿子病了近一个月,很难赶上班里的其他同学。
4. (使)保持良好状态
Keep your spirits up. 保持你的好心情。
keep up with the Joneses 与邻居比排场,攀比;赶时髦


keep (on)之后不能接动词不定式,而是与动词的ing形式连用,表示两个意思:重复和继续。在此结构中,keep on的意思跟keep相同,但含有强调重复性和决心之义,例如:

Keep smiling.保持微笑。

Whatever happens, keep on trying.不管发生什么事情都要继续试下去。


keep, maintain, preserve


This coat will keep you warm.这件衣服可以让你保暖。


The two countries have maintained(或kept) friendly relations for years.多年来两国一直保持着友好的关系。preserve侧重表示使某物“保持”原样,不受外界变化的影响。常指某物相当珍贵因而需要加以精心保护,例如:

We were in favor of taking steps to preserve the old temple.我们赞同采取措施保护这座古庙。





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