

词汇 candidate
candidatecan•di•date /'kændɪdɪt/
n C
1. 候选人;候补者
He is the best candidate for the job. 他是这个职位最好的候选人。
He was a fringe candidate in the presidential election. 他是总统选举中入选希望不大的候选人。
2. 投考者;攻读学位者;求职者
train candidates for an examination 训练考生准备考试
a candidate for the Ph.D 攻读哲学博士学位者
There were over 200 candidates for the appointment. 该职位的应征者多达200多人。
3. 注定有某种结局者
As he drinks a lot and gets little exercise, he would be a primary candidate for heart attack. 他酗酒,而且缺乏锻炼,注定要得心脏病。




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