

词汇 mix
1. 混合;搀和;搅和
mix the sugar and the flour together 把糖和面粉搅在一起
2. (混合以)配制,调制成
mix a cocktail 调制鸡尾酒
3. 使结合,使结交
mix work with adequate rest 劳逸结合
Never mix business with private affairs. 切莫公私不分。
4. 【电影】广播 使叠化,调谐; 使混录
1. 混合;搀和
Oil and water don't mix. 水和油不能混合。
2. (人)交往,相处
She mixes well with her colleagues. 她与同事们相处得很好。
词组mix in
1. 把…掺入
Mix in the milk and butter. 加入牛奶和黄油。
2. 交往,与…和得来
He doesn't mix in easily. 他不善与人交往。
3. 参与,参加
I didn't expect that he had also mixed in. 我没想到他也参与进来了。
mix up
1. 搅拌,搅和
mix up the mashed potatoes and butter 把土豆泥和黄油搅匀
2. 弄错,搞乱
Sorry, I've mixed you up with your younger sister. 对不起,我把你和你妹妹弄混了。
3. 弄乱
Don't mix up my papers. 不要把我的文件弄乱了。
4. 把…弄糊涂
He's mixed me up completely. 他把我完全弄糊涂了。
5. 使卷入,使牵连进
I don't like to be mixed up in this business. 我不愿意卷到这种事情中去。




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