- 1. blow; puff
- ♦ ~火 blow a fire
- ♦ 把灯~灭 blow out the lamp
- ♦ ~一口气 give a puff
- ♦ 门~开了。 The door blew open.
- ♦ 什么风把你给~来了? What brings you here?
- 2. play (wind instruments)
- ♦ ~笛子 play the flute
- ♦ ~起床号 sound the reveille
- 3.
口 boast; brag - ♦ 先别~, 做出具体成绩来再说, Don't brag about what you're going to do. Get something done.
- ♦ ~得天花乱坠 boast in the most fantastic terms
- 4.
口 break off; break up; fall through - ♦ 他们俩~了。 That couple have broken up.