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词汇 case
1. 用作单 事实;情况
Is it the case that the company's sales have dropped? 公司的销售额果真下降了吗?
2. C 事例;实例
a case in point 恰当的例子
3. C (犯罪)案件;事件
a case of robbery with violence 暴力抢劫案
4. C 诉讼,官司;判例
a civil case 民事诉讼
a criminal case 刑事诉讼
5. C 病例;患者;(社会工作者的)工作对象
an urgent case 急症病例
a relief case 救济对象
6. C,U 论据;理由;事实;申述
the case for the defendant 被告一方的论据
7. C,U 【语】
“Yours”is the possessive case of “you”. “Yours”是“you”的所有格。
8. C 大箱子;大容器
a case of whisky 一箱子威士忌酒
9. C 盒子;套;罩;壳;鞘
a jewel case 首饰盒
the case of a watch 表壳
10. C 框,架
a window case 窗框
词组in any case 无论如何,不管怎样
In any case I shall return in a day or two. 无论如何,我一两天内都要赶回来。
in case
1. 如果
In case she comes,please tell her the news. 如果她来的话,请告诉她这个消息。
2. 以防万一
I think Harry will remember,but why not give him a ring (just) in case 我想哈利会记着的,但是为什么不给他打个电话,以防万一呢?
in case of
1. 假使
In case of fire,ring the alarm bell. 如遇火灾,请按警铃。
2. 防备
Take a spare tyre along in case of need. 带上一个备用轮胎,以备不时之需。
in no case 无论如何也不
In no case must force be resorted to. 决不能诉诸武力。
in the case of 就…而言
Jane's bad results were partly due to illness, but in the case of John, no such excuse is possible. 简的成绩不好,部分原因是由于她生病,但就约翰的情况而言,这样的理由却不能成立。
in this(或that)case 既然如此
In that case,I won't accept the plan. 既然是那样的话,我不会接受这个计划。
make (out ) a case for 证明有…的理由
The agent made a good case for buying insurance. 这个代理商把购买保险的理由说得头头是道。




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