

词汇 有事
1. have a job; be employed
她现在~了, 待遇还不错。 She's got a job now, and is pretty well paid, too.
2. be occupied; be busy
对不起, 我这会儿~。 Sorry, I'm busy now.
3. have sth. happen; meet with an accident; get into trouble
你放心, 我看不会~的。 Don't worry, I don't think there'll be any trouble.
做好准备, 一旦~, 马上出动。 Get prepared so that you can set off immediately if something happens.
4. (used with 心里) have sth. on one's mind; be anxious; worry
看他这几天愁眉苦脸的, 心里一定~。 Just look at the worried look he's been wearing all these days. There must be something weighing on his mind.




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